Tonight at 20:20, lock in Zhejiang Satellite TV's "Our Dad" to see how #WulingXingguangS# helps super dads solve the problem of raising children. Come and watch the famous scenes of dads raising children! Secret spoiler, this episode also has Sun Leyan and Oscar's super sweet dog food, almost filling up the trunk of the XingguangS! #SuperDadDadDrivingXingguangS# #OurDad# #AyouFamily# #moi#
今晚20:20锁定浙江卫视《我们的爸爸》 看#五菱星光S# 如何帮助超人爸爸解决带娃难题 快来一同围观爸爸带娃名场面吧! 悄悄剧透,本期还有孙乐言、奥斯卡超甜狗粮 快把星光S后备箱都塞满啦! #超人爸爸开星光S# #我们的爸爸# #阿油一家# #moi#