#Volvo AED Road Messenger Alliance One Year Anniversary#, walking with love, never stopping, continuing to gather the protection forces of all parties, working with public welfare ambassador Guo Jingjing and 140,000 car owners, linking the three major maps of AutoNavi, Baidu, and Tencent to build a "Golden 4 Minutes" life protection circle. It also cooperated with the China Red Cross Foundation to jointly build the "Car Mobile AED" public welfare project, so that AED equipment can be brought to people's side and promote the popularization of AED first aid skills. 5 cities recruit first aid skills training
#沃尔沃AED道路使者联盟一周年# ,以爱而行,步履不停,持续汇聚各方守护力量,携手公益大使郭晶晶与14万爱心车主同行,联动高德、百度、腾讯三大地图,构建“黄金4分钟”生命守护圈。更联合中国红十字基金会共建“车载移动AED”公益项目,让AED设备走到身边,推动AED急救技能科普。