The smart electric executive flagship NIO ET9 debuts NIO's latest flagship smart system "Cedar", which uses the world's most advanced digital architecture, the most powerful smart hardware and the "SkyOS" vehicle-wide operating system to bring the best smart application experience. Follow @伟来, repost and comment on which smart technology of ET9 makes you shine the most, and we will randomly select one friend to give away NIO

智能电动行政旗舰蔚来ET9,首发蔚来最新旗舰智能系统「Cedar 雪松」,以全球最先进的数字架构、性能最强的智能硬件和「SkyOS · 天枢」整车全域操作系统,带来最佳的智能应用体验。关注@蔚来,转发并评论ET9的哪项智能科技最让你眼前一亮,我们将抽取1位朋友,送出NIO Life超模杯。#蔚来ET9敢想有为# ​

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