The smart electric executive flagship NIO ET9 is officially launched, priced at 788,000 yuan. The comfortable and exclusive executive cockpit makes ET9 a veritable mobile office and reception room. How does ET9's flagship comfort surpass first class? In 3 minutes, Brother Bin will tell you. Follow @Weilai, forward and share the ET9 flagship comfort details that impress you most, and we will draw 1 friend to give away a NIO Life scented candle. #WeilaiET9dare to think and be capable#
智能电动行政旗舰蔚来ET9正式上市,售价78.8万元。自在尊享的行政座舱,让ET9成为名副其实的移动办公室和会客厅。ET9的旗舰舒适,如何超越头等舱?3分钟,斌哥告诉你。关注@蔚来 ,转发并分享最打动你的ET9旗舰舒适细节,我们将抽取1位朋友送出NIO Life香氛蜡烛。#蔚来ET9敢想有为#