NIO Day 2024 has come to a successful conclusion. Thank you to all the friends at the scene and in front of the screen for joining us. We witnessed the official launch of NIO ET9 and the global debut of Firefly, and felt the warm atmosphere. Reminiscing the moments of "walking together", we look forward to meeting again next year. Follow @伟来 and share your favorite part of NIO Day 2024 in the comment section. We will randomly select 3 friends to give away NIO
NIO Day 2024已圆满落幕,感谢现场和屏幕前的所有朋友,与我们相聚「同行」。我们见证了蔚来ET9正式上市、firefly萤火虫全球首秀,感受了浓浓的温暖氛围。回味「同行」时刻,期待来年再相聚。关注@蔚来,评论区聊聊你最喜欢NIO Day 2024的哪一个部分。我们将随机抽取3位朋友,送出NIO Day限定冰箱贴。