Life flows with kindness. On 914 World First Aid Day, the #VolvoAEDRoadMessengerAlliance# 2.0 Action Plan is launched. #VolvoXC90Plug-inHybrid# joins hands with @刑法學人罗翔@郭晶晶, and invites you to join this journey of kindness, so that the mileage of protection can continue indefinitely and the power of life can continue endlessly! ​

生命,因善意流动。914世界急救日,#沃尔沃AED道路使者联盟# 2.0行动计划开启。#沃尔沃XC90插电式混动# 携手@刑法学人罗翔 @郭晶晶 ,邀您加入这场善意之旅,让守护的里程无限延续,让生命的力量生生不息!

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