The new SUBARU BRZ STI Sport has STI's exclusive exterior and interior, is professionally tuned by STI and equipped with performance accessories such as SFRD front shock absorbers. As a FR+MT sports car, the BRZ STI Sport can meet the different requirements of every driver for vehicle control! If you are planning to order a BRZ STI

新款SUBARU BRZ STI Sport拥有STI专属外观及内饰,经过STI专业调校并搭载SFRD前减震器等性能配件。作为一款FR+MT的小跑车,BRZ STI Sport能够满足每一位驾驶者对车辆操控的不同要求!如您正打算订购BRZ STI Sport车型,可在8月18日-9月30日期间,登录“斯巴鲁官方车友会”, 抢“STI纯正精品套装”,限 ​

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