Big Brother is about to start his first live broadcast. I would like to ask him to bring @鹏厂八卦姐 with him. By the way, ask her where she got so many emoticons. #何小鹏光電测试直播#
大师兄要开启个人首次直播了[憧憬]要我说,这把不得把@鹏厂八卦姐 带上吗,顺便问问她哪来的这么多表情包[偷笑] #何小鹏光电测试直播#
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Big Brother is about to start his first live broadcast. I would like to ask him to bring @鹏厂八卦姐 with him. By the way, ask her where she got so many emoticons. #何小鹏光電测试直播#
大师兄要开启个人首次直播了[憧憬]要我说,这把不得把@鹏厂八卦姐 带上吗,顺便问问她哪来的这么多表情包[偷笑] #何小鹏光电测试直播#