The Earth we live on is now #feverish#. High temperature records are constantly being broken, extreme weather is becoming more frequent, and the seemingly insignificant 1°C warming of the Earth will have a profound impact on the Earth's ecology, human survival, and social structure. A 1°C change comes from your and my actions. Together with BYD, #cool the Earth by 1°C# and ensure the longevity of mankind's future! ​

我们赖以生存的地球,如今是#正在高烧的地球# 。高温记录不断被打破,极端天气越发频繁,地球看似毫不起眼的1℃升温,却会对地球生态、人类生存、社会格局等造成深远影响。1℃的改变,源自你我的行动。与比亚迪一起,#为地球降温1℃# ,让人类未来长存!

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