#聚众联萌# Boom🍿️, happy time! The second missing "person" notice has been issued~ Retweet + @ 1 friend + share the picture in the comment area, circle the location of the Minions, and tell us where you found the Minions. By 12:00 on August 2, we will give 2 tickets to the movie "Despicable Me 4" to each of the first 3 friends who find them! Friends who pass all three missing "person" notices will have the opportunity to receive extra surprise gifts! Yesss, Minions Week
#聚众联萌# Boom🍿️,快乐时间到!第二张寻“人”启事发出~ 转发+@ 1位好友+评论区分享图片,圈出小黄人的位置,说说你在哪里发现了小黄人,截止8月2日12:00,我们将为最先找到的3位萌友各送出《神偷奶爸4》电影票2张!三张寻“人”启事都通关的萌友,还有机会收获额外惊喜萌礼哦!Yesss,小黄人周