#小热# The summer heat wave arrives. Take a walk along the forest trail with a breeze, listen to the cicadas, and feel the unique coolness. I hope you and I can enjoy every moment of comfort in this summer. #捷途汽车# Warm reminder: The arrival of the summer heat wave means the beginning of the heat wave, so please pay attention to avoiding the heat wave.

#小暑# 夏日小暑至,热浪来袭。此时携一缕清风,漫步林间小径,听蝉鸣声声,感受那份独特的清凉吧。愿这夏日,你我皆能悠然自得,享受每一刻的惬意。#捷途汽车# 温馨提示:小暑的到来意味着炎热的开始,大家要注意避暑哦[春游家族]

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