#The more extreme, the more I love# Every shot is a desire and pursuit for victory; every cheer is a release and response to passion. #2024欧洲杯# The top 16 teams have been announced. Who will stand out in the quarterfinals? From now until 24:00 on June 29, follow @仰望汽车 and leave your bold prediction in the comment area – "Which national team do you think will eventually enter the quarterfinals?" After the end of the quarterfinals, we will draw 3 lucky winners.

#越极致越热爱#每一次射门,都是对胜利的渴望与追求;每一次欢呼,都是对热爱的释放与回应。#2024欧洲杯# 16强战队已揭晓。八强之争,谁将脱颖而出?

即日起至6月29日24:00, 关注@仰望汽车,在评论区留下你的大胆预测 ——「你认为最终进入八强的国家队」。八分之一赛事结束后,我们将会抽取3位幸运 ​

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