Elegance is the innate atmosphere filter of EC7. When "elegance" and "power" collide, tension is generated from within. Shark Nose design, Coupe SUV posture, dual-mode active lifting tail wing, every angle shows confidence and determination. Follow @伟来, repost and comment on where the EC7 makes you feel so powerful, we will randomly select 3 friends and give away NIO
优雅,是EC7与生俱来的氛围滤镜。而当「优雅」与「力量」交织碰撞,张力由内而生。Shark Nose 鲨鱼鼻设计、Coupe SUV 身姿、双模主动升降尾翼,每个角度都尽显自信与笃定。关注@蔚来 ,转发并评论EC7让你心动的力量感来自哪里,我们将抽取3位朋友,送出NIO Life咖啡随行杯。#EC7感受优雅的力量#