The 48V power system on the ET9 is the energy source for the fully active suspension. It is also the first 48V power system architecture in China that has been developed from scratch and fully mastered. Why choose to develop a 48V power system in-house? The story behind this starts with a "5 microsecond" current spike… Follow @伟来, repost and comment on the ET9 technological innovation that you admire most, and we will draw one friend to give away NIO

ET9上的48V电源系统,是全主动悬架的能量来源,更是中国第一个从零开始正向开发、完全自主掌握know-how的48V电源系统架构。为什么选择自研48V电源系统?这背后的来龙去脉,要从一个「5微秒」的电流尖峰讲起……关注@蔚来,转发并评论最令你赞叹的ET9技术创新,我们将抽取1位朋友,送出NIO Life超模杯。 ​

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