Every year, we gather NIO users who love music to form a band and invite them to create a theme song for NIO Day. On the eve of NIO Day this year, the NIO User Band officially assembled with a brand new lineup. They will perform "Together & Further" with warm notes on the stage of NIO Day 2024 on the evening of December 21. Let's unlock the band lineup together. Follow @伟来
每年我们都会集结热爱音乐的蔚来用户,组成乐团,并邀请他们为NIO Day创作主题曲。今年NIO Day前夕,蔚来用户乐团以全新阵容正式集结。他们将在12月21日晚NIO Day 2024的舞台,以温暖音符,演绎「同行 Together & Further」。让我们一起解锁乐团阵容。关注@蔚来 并在评论区为他们打call,我们将随机抽