Xiaopeng P7+ Intelligent Driving Challenge Touring Hainan 0 Takeover is about to start! On December 14th at 17:00, we sincerely invite Peng friends to meet in Hainan! Wuzhishan tropical rain forest, electric vehicles in the city, and intelligent driving 100 kilometers challenge! For more exciting content, please stay tuned to Xiaopeng Motors' live broadcast room! Follow the footsteps of Xiaopeng P7+ Intelligent Driving and tour the Sanya Coconut Dream Corridor together. http://t.cn/A6mRpamo http://t.cn/A6mRpanI ​​​

五指山热带雨林、城区电动车大军、智驾百公里挑战!更多精彩锁定小鹏汽车直播间!跟着小鹏P7+智驾的脚步,一起畅游三亚椰梦长廊。 http://t.cn/A6mRpamo http://t.cn/A6mRpanI ​​​

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