Let's see how overseas media comment on the #小米SU7 Ultra# prototype car's campaign on the Nürburgring: "For a company that has just started producing cars, the results are already very impressive." "Xiaomi's ambitious goals in the field of electric vehicles are highlighted by the performance of the Xiaomi SU7 Ultra prototype car." Next year, the mass-produced version of the Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will also officially compete on the Nürburgring track, so stay tuned. ​

来看海外媒体如何评价#小米SU7 Ultra#原型车 征战纽北:
“小米在电动汽车领域雄心勃勃的目标,通过小米SU7 Ultra原型车的成绩得到凸显。”

明年,小米SU7 Ultra量产版也将正式征战纽北赛道,敬请期待。 ​

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