Unveiled INITIUM, a hydrogen fuel cell concept car that demonstrates Hyundai's commitment to hydrogen mobility and sustainability. Inspired by the potential of safe and clean hydrogen energy, INITIUM showcases the pure and tough beauty of hydrogen energy with a flexible steel structure and pure SUV design. #HyundaiMotor##FirmCommitment##HydrogenFuelCellCar##INITIUM##ConceptCar##HydrogenEnergy# ​

揭开 INITIUM 的面纱,这是一款氢燃料电池概念车 ,彰显现代汽车致力于发展氢能移动出行和对可持续发展的承诺。

INITIUM 从安全、清洁的氢能潜力中汲取灵感,以灵活的钢结构和纯正的SUV设计,展现了氢能的纯净与坚韧之美。
#现代汽车##坚定承诺##氢燃料电池车##INITIUM##概念车##氢能# ​

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