What did NIO do right to make the chassis smarter? From building an intelligent chassis with NT1, to realizing AI empowerment with NT2, to the technical advancement of the NT3 Tianxing chassis, NIO has gradually improved the core technical capabilities of the intelligent chassis through self-research and continuous iteration. NIO ET7 is the first to bring the intelligent chassis into the AI ​​era, pioneering 4D full-domain comfortable navigation, comfortable braking, and rear-seat exclusive modes. Combined with cross-level mechanical qualities, it enables ET7 to become the best 400,000-level driving experience​

让底盘更聪明,蔚来做对了什么?从NT1构建智能底盘,到NT2实现AI赋能,再到NT3天行底盘的技术进阶,蔚来通过自研,持续迭代,逐步完善了智能底盘的核心技术能力。蔚来ET7率先将智能底盘带入AI时代,首创4D全域舒适领航、舒适刹停、后排尊享等模式,结合越级机械素质,赋能ET7成为40万级驾乘体验最好的 ​

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