On October 16, the "2024 China Intelligent Chassis Technology Seminar" hosted by the Automotive Evaluation Institute was successfully held in Beijing. In the forum, top intelligent chassis technology experts from universities such as Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beihang University, and Harbin Institute of Technology, technical representatives of automobile companies, technical representatives of parts companies, senior car reviewers, and professional racing drivers shared their views on the theme of "The development trend of automobile chassis under the background of intelligence".

10月16日,由汽车评价研究院主办的「2024中国智能底盘技术研讨会」在北京顺利举行。在论坛研讨中,清华、北理工、北航、哈工大等高校顶尖智能底盘技术专家、车企技术代表、零部件企业技术代表、资深车评人、职业赛车手,围绕「智能化背景下,汽车底盘的发展趋势」展开了主题分享,北京理工大学机械与车 ​

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