LEAP TO EUROPE #零跑SUV家族西游记# At the departure ceremony, Zhu Jiangming, founder, chairman and CEO of Leap Motor, said: "Our products were designed with globalization in mind. We hope that through this 10,000-mile journey, we can prove that Leap Motor's new energy vehicles and China's new energy vehicles have stable and outstanding performance in terms of durability and reliability." http://t.cn/A6RuCkXq ​​​

LEAP TO EUROPE #零跑SUV家族西游记# 出征仪式上,零跑汽车创始人、董事长、CEO朱江明表示:“我们的产品在设计之初就考虑到了全球化的因素,希望通过此次万里行,来证明零跑的新能源汽车、中国的新能源汽车在耐久性、可靠性等方面表现稳定且出色。” http://t.cn/A6RuCkXq ​​​

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