Nothing is impossible on the court📍Popularity vote, 8 groups of stars on the field made a shining debut! #Tengshi Cup User Football Game# ended successfully🎉With more than 200,000 users, hold the championship cup high⚽ [Follow + forward, on September 3, 2 users will be drawn to receive the Tengshi outdoor eye protection camping lamp] ​

纵横球场,没有不可能📍人气票选,8组赛场明星闪亮登场!#腾势杯用户足球赛# 圆满收官🎉和20万+用户一起,高捧冠军杯 ⚽ 【关注+转发,9月3日,抽2位用户送腾势户外护眼露营灯】 ​

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