#人在捷途# Jietu Traveler, with a wading depth of up to 700mm, allows you to play in the water with your car and create your own rainbow together🌈
#人在捷途# 捷途旅行者,涉水深度可达700mm,实现与爱车一同玩水的自由,一起制造属于我们的彩虹🌈
Chinese Car Exports | SellingCar180
#人在捷途# Jietu Traveler, with a wading depth of up to 700mm, allows you to play in the water with your car and create your own rainbow together🌈
#人在捷途# 捷途旅行者,涉水深度可达700mm,实现与爱车一同玩水的自由,一起制造属于我们的彩虹🌈