The final of the European football summit will begin tomorrow morning! Follow the #Volvo Plug-in Hybrid Family# title-sponsored "Summer in Europe" to the venue of the event – Berlin, and join the fans in the hot atmosphere and witness the birth of glory. #Volvo Plug-in Hybrid Family# can be powered by oil or electricity, with a range of over 1,000 kilometers, helping you get rid of mileage anxiety, release your enthusiasm, enjoy pleasure, and meet unexpected surprises on the journey! #Together is the home field#
欧洲足球巅峰赛事明晨决赛开战!跟随#沃尔沃插电式混动家族# 总冠名的《欧罗巴的夏天》,前往赛事举办地——柏林,与球迷一起投身炽热氛围,见证荣耀的诞生。#沃尔沃插电式混动家族# 可油可电,超1000公里续航,助你摆脱里程焦虑,尽释热情,享受愉悦,与旅途惊喜不期而遇!#在一起就是主场#