Large space, real seven seats, HiCar smart interconnection, play with car machine personalization, enjoy leapfrog comfort, pursue infinite fun about a better life, #TrumpchiM6MAX# car owners have something to say and bring the topic #M6美好生活家# to #GACTrumpchiAPP# to share the heart-warming stories with M6 and show off the beautiful photos of M6, and you can share tens of thousands of G beans gifts~ ​​​

关于美好生活,#传祺M6 MAX# 车主有话说
同时带话题 #M6美好生活家#
到#广汽传祺APP# 分享与M6的心动故事
晒出M6的绝美大片,即可瓜分上万G豆好礼哦~ ​​​

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