In the blink of an eye, the year is already halfway through, and the vibrant summer is coming. NIO also started the "full mode" of summer in June, full of achievements, full of power, full of joy… full of vitality, and continue to move forward. Let's look back together. Follow @伟来, forward and share your highlights of the first half of 2024, and we will draw 3 friends to give away NIO Life coffee cups. ​

转眼年已过半,活力盛夏即将到来。蔚来在6月也开启了夏日的「满满模式」,成就满满、电量满满、愉悦满满……活力满满,持续向上,让我们一同回顾。关注@蔚来 ,转发分享你的2024上半年高光时刻,我们将抽取3位朋友送出NIO Life咖啡随行杯。

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