#Who will watch the game with you tonight# #Together is the home court#, this summer @YC Yangchen and #Volvo plug-in hybrid family# will watch the game with you! Experience the Volvo S90 plug-in hybrid, which can be powered by oil or electricity, with a range of over 1,000km. Click to learn about our story #Tonight with Dad to watch the game# http://t.cn/A6QZlqwW ​

#今晚谁陪你一起看球# #在一起就是主场#,这个夏天@YC杨晨 和#沃尔沃插电式混动家族#陪你一起看球!一起感受沃尔沃S90插电式混动,可油可电,超1000km续航。点击了解我们的故事#今晚陪爸爸看场球# http://t.cn/A6QZlqwW

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